Our courses, summer camps, and/or private instruction go further than giving you the peace of mind of being well-prepared for your next level:

Students in our summer camps, individualized instruction, and school year enrichment develop exceptional writing, and critical thinking skills as they deepen their understanding of the culture in which they live—a combination that strongly prepares them for their subsequent academic studies, professions, and life in general.

Indigenous People & the Covid19 Pandemic

Immigrant Struggles

The Reconstruction Era

One Community: Many Voices

The combination of English language arts and social studies makes the curriculum applicable and relevant for students, and demonstrates the interconnectedness of the disciplines in life—all safely and conveniently via Zoom.

Click on the Summar Camps, Individualized Instruction, and Schoolyear Enrichment tabs for more detailed information.

Students in our humanities camps and classes develop:

  • Academic writing skills.
  • Research skills, including primary and secondary source use.
  • Expanded vocabularies.
  • Grammar and mechanics knowledge.
  • Greater ability to synthesize and analyze.
  • Critical thinking skills.
  • Awareness of the multiple voices of history.
  • Realization of the bias of traditional historical narratives.
  • A larger sense of belonging to human society at large.
  • Motivation to be meaningful contributors to a democratic society.
  • Confidence in forming and expressing opinions.
  • Respect for peers' opinions.